Mormon Stories - LDS

Amy and Jake Malouf have been devout LDS church members for their entire lives – living the past 14+ years in Anchorage, Alaska. They have served in high-level callings in their Anchorage ward, and are very well-respected and well-liked in their Alaska LDS community.

Two years ago Amy and Jake began to have doubts about the truthfulness of the LDS Church. As they began to share their questions/doubts/concerns about LDS doctrine and policy on Facebook (e.g., the November 2015 policy against LGBT Mormons and their children), their posts were monitored by ward and stake members and reported to the stake leadership. When they were directly asked by their stake president to remain silent about their questions/concerns/doubts/disbelief – they declined as a matter of conscience. Recently when they spoke out publicly on Facebook against the November, 2015 LGBT policy (out of concern for LDS LGBT youth suicides) they were informed by their LDS stake president that they will soon be excommunicated. The date/time of their disciplinary council is October 11, 2016 at 9pm Utah time.

This is their story.

P.S.  Amy is a fabulous artist.  Her artwork can be found here!

Direct download: MormonStories-657-MaloufsPt1.mp3
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