Mormon Stories - LDS

In this four-part episode, Trevor Haugen shares with us a recording of his conversation with LDS General Authority Don R. Clarke and LDS church historian Dr. Matthew J. Grow as they attempt to address his mounting concerns with deeply troubling Mormon history and doctrine.

Part 1: Trevor discusses his life as an orthodox Mormon believer, including his mission service and temple marriages.

Part 2: An audio recording of the meeting between Mormon General Authority Elder Don R. Clarke, LDS Church Historian Dr. Matthew J. Grow, and Trevor Haugen.

Parts 3 & 4: A panel including Lindsay Hansen Park, John Hamer, and Glenn Ostlund, moderated by Dr. John Dehlin, discusses the audio recording, and particularly analyzes the apologetics offered by Elder Clarke and Dr. Matthew Grow.

Direct download: MormonStories-714-ClarkeGrowHaugenPt4.mp3
Category:Religion -- posted at: 5:04pm MDT